The shadow walks behind you

by Doran, from the Doran album

The shadow walks behind you
The shadow’s step is your step
But you step into the river
So that your shadow cannot cross

You want to walk alone
We want to leave them on the other side of the river
And dance without them dancing behind us
But the shadows gather there

Oh, they gather there
They gather there

The shadows gather among the roots of the trees
They dance with each other, they build, they grow, they gather
They gather themselves into themselves
They gather in strength

Without them, without them
Without them we are only walking
We cannot really dance

Oh, shush, bye, bye, my only
Only, only, oh

We must reach back across the river
We must step into the shallow water
Onto the bright stones
And extend our hands across

For an anarchic International (a very approximate and sketchy proposal)

This proposal, as the title says, is considerably sketchy and approximate, and deliberately and a bit ironically so (that’s why, for example, i used the 42 number throughout it), and obviously very open to discussions and modifications, should anyone like to, although i don’t think i’ll personally change my mind about that which for me is its central point: the necessity to take the cultivated lands and all the means of material production into everybody’s hands.

The pandemic of covid and its variations, that as of today directly caused more than 6 millions deaths in the world, and indirectly caused more than 15 millions, is for the most part a consequence of the environmental devastation caused by capitalist exploitation of the whole living [1] [2] [3], and of the material and cultural misery it determines and pursues.

The onset of new pandemics and their increasing frequency were foreseen by many scientists (see the previous links). Nonetheless, even in the richest countries, the pandemic stroke after a long period during which nothing was done by those who could do the most to reduce the risk that those predictions foresaw; instead, they weakened further the public health systems (the italian one, for example, had undergone massive cuts during the previous ten years, which were made by institutional right, center, left parties to almost identical extents: see [1] and [2]).

The anti-covid vaccines which are currently disposable in the richest countries do work: they are statistically very effective in preserving people who accept to get vaccinated from getting ill, although they provide a rather brief cover. But, despite the fact their development was financed to a great extent by rich states with money from tax payers, these same states in developed countries buy them at a price per dose that is up to 24 times its cost of production, while the states where the large majority of the people of the world lives can’t afford to buy them and the bosses of pharmaceutical multinationals producing them don’t remise, not even temporarily, to the related patents, and don’t publish the know-how that’s necessary to build the machines to produce them, nor are they disposable to help in building these machines and to train the people who could use them within less rich and poor countries.

This way, the covid and variants pandemic will never be defeated, and other, new pandemics will happen more and more frequently.

Continua a leggere For an anarchic International (a very approximate and sketchy proposal)

L’amore è uno stregone, un fuoco isterico, magnifico

Tanto tempo fa, quando mia madre decise che 8 anni di psicoanalisi a 4 sedute la settimana eran troppi, visti i costi molto alti per noi e quelli che per lei erano “scarsi risultati” (in effetti non eran granché, però qualcosina si), la mia psicoanalista (di formazione freudiana) nell’ultima seduta mi chiese “Le emozioni da dove arrivano, dal corpo o dalla mente?”; io ero già pronto ad argomentare che “un po’ dal corpo, ma anche un po’ dalla mente”, però va be’ era l’ultima seduta e non avevo voglia di discutere e risposi “dal corpo”, e lei annuì. E a volte mi pare vero che le emozioni vengono dal corpo, e penso che un’ipotetica mente “da sempre senza corpo” non proverebbe niente, né avrebbe modo di (ri)evocare emozioni. Però forse invece il desiderio è innato: forse un’ipotetica mente “da sempre senza corpo” desidererebbe, e soffrirebbe l’impossibilità. Anzi, sono proprio di questa idea. E a volte penso che la condizione prenatale, una volta sviluppatosi un sistema nervoso centrale, sia il “paradiso perduto” da cui tutt* veniamo: una fusione con un altro corpo che soddisfa ogni nostro desiderio, bisogno; e forse il desiderio amoroso-sessuale non è che un desiderio di ritorno, per quanto fugace, a quella condizione… “L’amore è uno stregone, un fuoco isterico, magnifico”: