«It’s revolution or death»: Part 1 and Part 2 transcriptions

It’s revolution or death
Part 1: Short Term Investments

[Text overlaid on video]
subMedia and Peter Gelderloos present
It’s revolution or death
Part 1: Short Term Investments

Things aren’t like they used to be.

I mean, aside from a few wingnuts, people recognize that things are bad, climate change is real.
They’re doing something about it.
Those in power are taking it seriously.
Every year, green investment and green energy production have been growing.
Thanks to proactive initiatives by politicians and policy makers around the world, and conscientious investment by major funds and companies like Blackrock, BP, and Tesla.
Every year the Conference of the Parties holds a summit to define the next steps needed to reach a carbon neutral economy and meet the goals set in the Paris Agreement of not exceeding 1.5C of global warming.
Global investment in clean energy grew to $1.7 trillion in 2023, the highest level yet.
From 2010 to 2021 renewable energy production in the US has doubled.
In 2022, the major economies of the world made renewed commitments to green energy.
The US government passed the Inflation Reduction Act, leading to $110 billion in private investments in clean energy manufacturing in one year alone, as well as a 52% increase in the sale of electric vehicles.
China added 160 Gigawatts of capacity to its renewable energy production, and the European Union added 50 Gigawatts to its capacity in wind and solar photovoltaic energy.
So things are getting better, right?
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Citazioni da «La vita inaspettata» di Telmo Pievani, e una piccola critica

Da La vita inaspettata,
di Telmo Pievani

Oggi su quegli altri quattro quinti della storia della vita sappiamo molto di più. Ma il messaggio che ci restituisce il tempo profondo è spiazzante, perché scopriamo anzitutto che l’evoluzione nelle sue prime fasi ha probabilmente preferito molto più l’associazione della competizione.

Continua a leggere Citazioni da «La vita inaspettata» di Telmo Pievani, e una piccola critica